Finally, the Sinfony Doc&Training simplification
methods at your fingertips !
Learn – Apply – Impact
Do you know where to start your digital transformation towards a simplified Doc&Training system ?
3 simple steps to form a dream team at home ready to take on your Doc&Training simplification challenge
Train your teams in sinfony methods (in interlabo group)
To quickly acquire the theoretical knowledge of our methods and benchmark
Certify your employees to the Sinfony method
So that each employee acquires the practical side of our methods
Manage your transformation project independently
So that together, we impact as quickly as possible as much Michel as possible, at a lower cost
Sinfony's methods should be accessible to all, for the good of all Michel(e)
Sinfony's Doc&Training Academy is here to spread Sinfony's methods on a large scale, on a lower budget for customers

How much does it cost training people one by one, as you would naturally do in your project?
Sinfony's Doc&Training training academy trains "Doc&training change agents", in a group, interlabo, to accelerate the skills development of your teams in charge of simplification

You are one of these profiles, so give 2 or more of your employees access to our methods so that as soon as the training ends, they work to simplify Michel's life.
What are the programs of the Doc&Training Academy and what are the rates?

Concretely, what are the next dates and how does it work?
We plan to do a training session every two to three months. You can contact us to find out when the next dates will be, as they also depend on the transformation projects we have, and for which the training is open to all project collaborators.
Packs start on Monday at 1pm and end on Friday at 1pm.
The training is given exclusively by a certified trainer in Sinfony methods.
In France, training is eligible for training aid (consult us if necessary).
Although we do not recommend it, the days of the pack are separable, and a participant can register for a single day if he wishes, by paying the appropriate rate.
The location of the training depends on the location of the majority of participants. We try to find the easiest place to access for all participants.
Lunch is the responsibility of Sinfony. Evening meals and overnight stays and breakfasts at the expense of the participants.
Participants must come with a laptop with access to their company's document system; they will be provided with access to our online training platform prior to the training.
The video material used during the training is provided by Sinfony.
Yes; you lose the interest of the multilabo, and then we have to adapt the price; let's discuss it !
Yes; we need to discuss with you the impact on the structure of the training, as this can have the effect of lengthening the training by one or more days. Let's discuss it !
In French and English. Coming soon in Arabic. But each session is unilingual.
... enhance the value of your employees
Certification serves to enhance the value of your employees, and guarantee the achievement of a concrete result on a given perimeter. The certification is proof that your employee has mastered the methods from A to Z, that he has had results in the field, and that he is able in turn to train other people on our methods. This certification belongs to him in his personal capacity.